Monday 6 November 2017

Introduction to: NWC603COM – Using AI in Computer Games Assignment 1

Introduction to: NWC603COM – Using AI in Computer Games Assignment 1

Artificial intelligence (AI) in the gaming world today has become the sole reason games become either a massive success, or flop, and become a failed enterprise. AI can make or break a game, and the methods and techniques used by developers to give us the illusion that AI is intelligent is what we will be investigating in this blog.

I will be researching and reviewing the many techniques of AI in Computer games, how they work, where they are used, what purpose they serve and when and when not to use them. I have decided to fulfil this task ahead by creating a blog, I feel I can give you the reader, a much more personal opinion of my views of AI in Computer Games.

AI Techniques I will be reviewing:

1.1 Algorithms
1.2 Heuristics
1.3 Hacks

2.1 Hardware Constraints in AI Engines
2.2 The Priorities of a Games Developer
2.3 Mobile Devices & Tablets

Pathfinding Concepts
3.1 A* Algorithm
3.2 Dijkstra

4.1 State Machine
4.2 Fuzzy Logic
4.3 Boids Flocking
4.4 Decision Tree

5.1 Tactics & Strategy's
5.2 Learning Technologies - Artificial Neural Networks
5.3 Learning Technologies - Q-Learning

6.1 Conclusion
6.2 References

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Introduction to: NWC603COM – Using AI in Computer Games Assignment 1

Introduction to: NWC603COM – Using AI in Computer Games Assignment 1 Artificial intelligence (AI) in the gaming world today has become ...