Friday 3 November 2017

1.1 Algorithms

1.1 Algorithms

In the field of AI in gaming, the first technique used by developers is the algorithm method, Why?
Because it is the most used method because its simple, and the code is not difficult or time consuming. So what is an algorithm in AI you ask, well an algorithm is a very basic set of rules that the AI character follows during game play... In a little greater depth, the rules are triggered in instances which could instructed the AI to move up, down, left or right, a perfect example of a game which uses this AI technique would be Pacman.

all of the ghosts in Pac-Man have their own distinct personality which influences the movements they make.(1) the point which is made in this post by Karl Smallwood is that because the algorithm used in Pacman, the AI charters all don't carry out the exact same task such as follow each other or all go after the playing character at the same time. If this was the case then the AI technique used would be a hack which forces the AI to respond to the player character in a predictable way, from using the algorithm method tool, Pacman creatures have their own set of rules to follow along with what Smallwood says by mentioning each AI has its own personalty.

We have all played Pacman and we all find the game simple but fun, again Why? Because its unpredictable, we as the player do not know which direction those little characters are heading which makes the player focus and keeps this constantly on the edge. In the more modern and in-depth video games we play today, you find that algorithms are applied to AI bots in much greater detail. An advantage of this is that it makes the game so much more realistic which improves the user experience. These bots will react to light, sound and other types of interactive features, again these features are all implement into the gaming AI to simulate real life.

Pro's of an algorithm - its very simple to code and is applied in every gaming using AI today, its reliable code which can direct, teach and even give an AI feelings. throughout my blog we will be covering many types of algorithms, what purpose they have in a game and how they can increase the realism in the user experience.

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